Disclaimer: First, let me make this windex sparkling clear! I am in NO way condoning violence or anything of that matter....lol. I am saying however if you have an issue, be a REAL woman and come to me and don't put your business on the internet b/c in the long run, you're the one who's gonna look like the dumb ass......not I.
Anyway, since I was being called a "groupie" I decided to look into this word and find out what it means....well the correct definition that is. Websters says as follows:
Main Entry: group·ie
Pronunciation: \ˈgrü-pē\
Function: noun
Date: 1966
1 : a fan of a rock group who usually follows the group around on concert tours
2 : an admirer of a celebrity who attends as many of his or her public appearances as possible
3 : enthusiast, aficionados> (source: here)
2 : an admirer of a celebrity who attends as many of his or her public appearances as possible
3 : enthusiast, aficionado
Any questions on that one? That's clear right? OK, well I have another definition for you and this one comes from the Urban Dictionary and it reads:
That being said.....the question is: who's the real "groupie" in this whole thing? is it the one who's getting mad about things b/c they've been the one who claims to be the "#1 fan" or the man who's looking elsewhere? If you ask me...the #1 fan looks like the groupie b/c how many "groupies" you know claim to be a #1 fan just to fuck and live a happily ever after life? *Kanye Shrug* I'm just saying......
"One who will do almost anything including losing self respect to get near a specific celebrity or group.
Not to be confused with a fan or supporter. (source: here)"
Not to be confused with a fan or supporter. (source: here)"
My question is this: How am I being "the groupie"? Last time I checked and according to my references stated, the groupies "chase" after the celebrity. In this case, there is NO celebrity! I only physically chased after one man in my life and that was my son's father and I was young and dumb. Now the only man I chase for the rest of my life is GOD....no one else. Besides God, I chase money b/c that's what pays my bills and keeps my kids out of trouble.
Confused? Well....let me make this story short as I can. I made this statement yesterday on twitter:
"#crazybitches find ways to get into your email & other personal accounts then delete them when they see shit they wasn't supposed to see"
Harmless right? Of course, I made that as a general statement. It wasn't directed to no one. Just like everyone else on twitter, it's all fun to me. I-Net drama is for 13-16 yr. old kids who don't have shit else to do BUT to get into drama! I'm 27 w/ 3 kids on my own taking them to various foot ball and church functions PLUS going to school full time, so i-net drama is non existent in my world. I'm from the era of if you have an "issue" come to me as a woman and speak TO me not AT me. With that, if you have "words" don't speak to me behind a computer screen and a keyboard. I mean seriously.
Anyway, I digress....well the statement got re-posted by someone who is now known to me as a "Decepticon" (i'll explain that in a later blog) b/c from looking back at things, he was laughing about the hoopla he really created. So this particular young lady, for lack of all things "lady like" calls herself wanting to reply back to the message with the mentality of I was speaking about her. Which I wasn't. So I politely said if I was speaking to her, it would be made known. I have NO reason to hide. That's why my twitter page isn't "private". If I'm gonna say it, I have no reason to hide behind a "private" profile.
Then here comes the "groupie" statement.....basically she thinks I want her dude. In all actuality, he just wants out to begin with and this was said to me way before this mess popped off. I feel like this, I don't want ANY male unless it's my boys and Jesus. Point blank period. Quite frankly, If YOUR man finds ME attractive I suggest you do what you need to do to keep his attention OFF me and back ON to you! That's just smart right? RIGHT!
Oh wow...Yeah "Innanet" drams is stupid but it works out when it gives you something to blog about...LOL! Chile...I don't have anything to add to what you have stated above ! So I guess I agree!! LOL Smooches!
ReplyDeleteOh wow! That's funny but you know how people on the net are and how they take things to heart and not the head, but oh well!